viernes, 7 de agosto de 2009

Dear Diary:
Today i saw him staring at me. Or at least, that's what I think. I was trying not to feel those stupid butterflies in my stomach, but i could not. And then, my cheeks went red, can you believe it? Thanks to God he didn't noticed it. Well, that's not so important. But last night, when i was sleeping, i started crying, but it was because i was looking at a little girl that looked just like me three years ago. But she was so pale, and looked so sad. I don¡t know if she was crying too, because her eyes were closed. So, i talked to her, and when she opened her eyes, i felt so scared. Maybe she was it too, because she started shouting. In that moment, a black big wolf arrived to her side. In that moment, she closed her eyes again, i did the same, and when i opened my eyes, the little girl wasn't there, and the wolf neither. I started walking for a dark alley, and i found that little girl, again, but she was with a big, a huge, a giant spider. In that moment, i freaked out, and the little girl started whispering my name: 'Samantha, Samantha'. I started running in the opposite direction, and the big spider, with the girl in his back, was following me so fast she caught me. Then the little girl started talking at me, her voice was like mine, and she just said this: 'Don't run away. Your fate is something you cant choose. It's coming for you'
Then she was like in shock, and when she got back, she started screaming and crying again, and she took my hand.
In that moment, i woke up, crying a lot. I was insanely pale and sad. Oh, and scared.
Well, i hope i can sleep well tonight. No spiders, no wolves, no little girls.
See ya, diary ♥

The Samantha's diary.

Se me ocurrio esto recién y es tan freak. Me sentí como si Lydia Deetz fuera novelista.

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